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Huntley High School Newscast: RNN S4 E10

This is an official high school broadcast hosted by Huntley High School.

Good Morning Huntley High School! Welcome back to another episode of Raider Nation News!

Next year, the HHS travel club will be going to Peru, Europe, and China. Here's some more information on what the trips are about ... 0:31

Be sure to check out the meeting on February 5th. These are definitely trips that you don't want to miss.

-- FUN FACT --

Cats and dogs are the only animals that are considered not exotic!

You have the opportunity here at HHS to check out exotic animals thanks to our zoology club... 2:16

Dear Woods Club, if you're reading this, we need new stools and a cat tree. Thanks! - Your Raider Nation news team... 3:35

Next week, we celebrate an important figure in our history, Martin Luther King Jr. Let's hear why we all take time out of our day (at school time) to celebrate his birthday... 4:43

Use this day to thank Martin Luther King Jr. for advocating for a better future. History is important. On your day off this Monday, remember the meaning of MLK day.

-- Feedback --

If you enjoyed this week's episode of Raider Nation News, we highly recommend giving feedback to us! (We love hearing your voice!)

Happy Friday Raiders!

- Raider Nation News

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